Winter Favourites
JUST passing the time at Prestwick waiting for my flight to Malaga. Made a wee list of my faves this autumn. I feel a bit reluctant to buy stuff in that I spend most of my life in yoga pants these days. Talking of which, who knew that millions of pairs of yoga pants could take up so much room? I nearly made the 20kg limit I’d paid extra for, and that’s without real clothes!
I still can’t resist a few key autumn purchases. I tried the Zara double breasted frock coat (£79.99) on in Norway recently. I love a cream coat and was sorely tempted. I adore a granny cardi as well and this glorious green one from Joy (£30) is truly floating my boat.
The heritage trend is well and truly back this autumn and everyone needs a pair of these great check trews from Primark (£15). The lovely burgundy of the Primark clutch (£7) offsets the green of the sweater perfectly.
Lastly, I want these boots. I tried them on in Primark. They are definitely Gucciesque for just a fraction of the cost (they’re only £16). I resisted and now question the folly of my ways in that they only had one size four left. But I’m going to Malaga and I feel it in my toenails that there will be divine shoes to be bought there. So how am I going to manage with only 0.4kg of luggage allowance left? Advice please!